Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wedding wedding!!

I got to take my roommates wedding pictures this last weekend in Salt Lake!! It was pretty stressful...but a lot of fun at the same time!! Hope you like them!!!






hillmans said...

You did good job! I saw the ones on facebook too. Way to go I really like them

Justin and Stacey said...

Way to go Whit! They look great!! I'm sure they will love them!

Cheryl Meibos said...

Nice Job Whitney! It was fun to see you for a few minutes last weekend. You need to come visit us more often.

Stephanie said...

Stress? Wedding? Bah! I mean..ok, so there is stress at a wedding, however..these are LOVELY!!! You did such a great job!! :D

Troy and Brit said...

Love 'em, Whit!!! Great job!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO DO OURS!!! :) WOOHOO!!!